Freelance Voice Actors for Hire Online | Freelance Voice Over Work

Thousands of Freelance voice actors online ready to hire at affordable rates.

The world's biggest companies and brands trust our online casting service to provide the highest quality of talent at the most budget friendly rates.

Got a small non-broadcast project? Low rates using our QUICKcast app. Fully self-service and used by advertising agencies around the world.


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Audition voice actors
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Listen to samples that you receive.
You'll get responses within an hour!
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Make payment. Work with your chosen voice, download your files & you're done!

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Freelance Male Voice Overs

Male Freelance Demos

Freelance Female Voice Overs

Female Freelance Demos

Client Testimonials

  • The service was great, fast response. My client is happy to be able to have a video with REAL English pronunciation, only a few little tricky Spanish words, but no problem with the retakes. You rule guys!

    Jordi Bachbush / Independent Producer, Mexico

  • Working with the website was easy and enjoyable. We got great rates for the right talent, and everything ran smoothly. We had our completed audio after only one round of revisions! Highly recommended.

    Jasmin O'Neill/ Director, Real Big Films, Germany.

  • The system of communicating back and forth with the talent through the site was fast and efficient, and the talent was very flexible and accommodating. I would definitely recommend the site for highly professional voice talent that is efficiently delivered and reasonably priced. I cannot wait to use it again!
    VERY VERY happy!

    Julie Whatson / President, 4 Little Monkeys Audio, London

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We only list the most experienced and dedicated voice talent on our site.

You won't find any amateurs here that waste your time, missing deadlines and not responding.

If you don't find the perfect voice for your project then you don't need to pay.

Need to hire a voice actor in a hurry? Look for voice talent with 4 hour turnaround times.

We've got the best guarantee in the business. It's why we are used by advertising agencies and casting companies around the world.

Get the details

  • Post a FREE Audition

    Your first name *
    Last name *
    Your valid email address *
    Paste your script (Tip: Stretch this box using the bottom right corner) *
    Give detailed vocal direction on how you want it to sound
    Select your timezone *
    I agree to site terms & conditions

    Get FREE auditions of your script right now. If you don't find what you're looking for, you don't pay.

    Our system sends your script out to hundreds of voice talent who record a custom sample for you.

    • Simple & FREE to use
    • Access our huge database of professional voices
    • No artificial voices
    • Our voice actors can add music to your recording

    You need to hire a professional voice over? We can help! If you don't find a voice that you like, you don't pay. It couldn't be easier.

  • Freelance Voice Rates
    Large Database of Talent
    Spanish Translation Services
    Translation Services

    Why Use a Freelance Voice Actor?

    Research shows that listeners are more likely to retain messages that are delivered by a professional voice talent.

    Now you can hire the same voice actors that appear in national radio and television commercials for your project, on a freelance basis!

    Our freelance voice over service gives you instant access to the best voice actors from around the globe.

    You are in control.

    We are used by production companies in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, London, Sydney and other international and local cities.

    Let us help you hire freelance voice artists online and find the perfect actor for your project. You'll save money, time and our automated system handles invoices and receipts instantly.

    Get casting today!

Voice Over Services for Any Project

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