Online Voice Over Casting Service

Our voice over talent are at the top of their field, highly skilled and exceptionally talented. Client satisfaction is their number one priority.We're able to cut our rates due to a number of reasons. We don't have the overheads of a traditional voice agency or studio. We don't need to pay insurance premiums for having clients on premises. The voice artists don't need to travel to studios, saving gas, and not paying insurance associated with being an on-site contractor. There's no voice over casting director charging their fees to screen hundreds of voices, we've done it for you. It's all done online for a fraction of the cost.If you’re looking for a truly unique and free voiceover casting service that can provide pre-screened, top-of-the-line, non-union and union voice over talent, you’ve come to the right place. All of our voice over rates are clear and easy to understand.The Voice Realm is unique in the following ways:
These professional voice actors are the cream-of-the-crop, have the strongest technique, as well as a total commitment to their craft and industry
You don't have to waste your time and money on a casting director and expensive studio bookings. You're dealing directly with the voice talent
There are NO SERVICE FEES. All rates are clear and upfront. You won't be hit with extra studio fees or any other surprises
All work is done in local time-zones. So if you need a job back by 3pm tomorrow, the voice talent will be advised in their local time-zone. We'll do the math!
We've been super selective with our roster of professional voice talent. You don't want to be left in the lurch by a flakey voice do you?
Other sites allow anyone with a credit card to join. But we screen all our voice over artists to ensure you don't have amatuers waste your time.
Our customer service line is open later than other casting sites
All of your credit card transactions are safe. We use SSL security messures. Check for 'https:' in your browser when making payments
Here are some tips to ensure that you you’ll get exactly what you’re after in the quickest time:
- Be clear in your direction that you give the voice. One of the best things to do is point out something in one of their demos that you really like.
- Read your script out loud to get the correct timing. We also have some general 'word count' timings on our voice over rate page. If you read it in your head, mumbling the words it’s generally going to read slower by the voice, at a natural pace. Perhaps get someone else to read it out aloud too.
- Make sure that anything that could even remotely be mispronounced is spelt out phonetically. Town names, phone numbers, last names, business names. It will save everyone time. 1300 for example, could be said as "one three hundred" or "thirteen double zero" or "one three double oh".
- Space out the sentences in the script so that’s it’s easy for the voice over talent to read. This helps them use natural breaths and will give you a better recording. Make sure there’s no sentences that are unnaturally long. If they must, use commas, where the voice should take a breath.
These simple tips will make everyone’s life easier and you’ll get a better read back from the voice over artist.