Voice Over Demos
Professional voice over demos are what voice talent use to showcase their skills in a short amount of time.
A voice demo pulls together a talents best bits of work and also showcases their versatility in recording different styles of voice over scripts.
It is not uncommon for someone starting out in the industry to mock up a demo with some scripts they have sourced from online or form a voice over coach.
The ideal length for a voice over demo according to many voice over agents we spoke to was 3 minutes or less. Generally someone casting for a particular role will request a custom audition. This is also another great way to continue to add to your main voice demo.
Here at The Voice Realm we offer clients hundreds of voices and thousands of voice over demos to help find the right voice for the project.
Custom auditions can also be requested by making direct contact with a voice talent. Register for a FREE account and then search for the perfect voice. It couldn't be easier!
Contact: info@thevoicerealm.com or visit the Contact page for help casting the perfect voice talent.

CharlotteEnglish (North American)
Yng Adult (18-29) | Adult (30-50) View Info Audition LOG IN FOR MORE OPTIONS
TerranceEnglish (North American)
Teenager (13-17) | Yng Adult (18-29) View Info Audition LOG IN FOR MORE OPTIONS
WalterEnglish (Australian)
Adult (30-50) | Older Sound (50+) View Info Audition LOG IN FOR MORE OPTIONSLook for voice talent with the FAST VOICE CASTING icon if you need your recording back in 4 hours or less.
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