Voice Over Artists
Not just anyone can perform the role of a voice over artist. A clear speaking or pitch perfect sounding voice is not all that matters. It takes years of training, experience, learning microphone method, the ability to take direction from producers & audio engineers.
Voice over artists bring a level of quality, class & professionalism to your company brand, product or presentation.
Whether you're auditioning a voice over artist for a commercial or for an animated character in a video game, acting skills are sometimes more important than the quality of the voice.
In the event you don't have any acting training, you ought to think about taking an acting class to learn some basic acting skills, like how to be truthful under imaginary circumstance & how to generate a character.
There's a immense difference between a professional voice over artist & one that's beginning out. This will reflect on your brand or image.
Knowing how to quickly dissect a script is also important. Often, commercial voice over scripts are short, but that doesn't mean they are simple. Voice Over Artists are skilled and experienced enough to interpret a script and then record it within one take perfectly.
Voice Talents in the UK and Australia are generally referred to as 'Voice Over Artists'
Contact: info@thevoicerealm.com or visit the Contact page for help casting the perfect voice talent.

PedroSpanish - Spain (Castilian)
Adult (30-50) | Older Sound (50+) View Info Audition LOG IN FOR MORE OPTIONS

JamieEnglish (North American)
Yng Adult (18-29) | Adult (30-50) View Info Audition LOG IN FOR MORE OPTIONS
VictoriaEnglish (North American)
Teenager (13-17) | Yng Adult (18-29) View Info Audition LOG IN FOR MORE OPTIONSLook for voice talent with the FAST VOICE CASTING icon if you need your recording back in 4 hours or less.
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All The Voice Realm talent have been hand picked as the best in the business.
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