Voice Over Agent and Agency
A Voice Over Agency represent quality and professional voice talent that are at the top of their field. Generally the biggest voice agencies will only take on a voice once they have a proven track record. It can take years for new voice actors to attain representation with a voice acting agent.
A reputable voice over agency or voice over talent website will not charge any fees to be listed with them, but they do take a admin fee of every job booked, anywhere from 10-20% on your earnings.
Smaller agencies can still land you the big jobs, because they are sometimes seen by advertisers as having voice talent that is not saturating every TV or radio commercial. Therefore they could be thought of as a boutique voiceover talent agency.
Voice over agents can help guide a voice overs artists career with advice and promotion. They also help to get your name out to ad agencies via their voice over website, and marketing literature to their clients.
Most castings now are done via the voice over agency website like here at The Voice Realm with affordable voice over rates. Demos are able to be updated more frequently and new artists can be added to a site in a matter of minutes.
Ultimately though you are still your own best promoter. Turning up to voice over sessions on time, communication clearly with the voice producer, having a good work ethic and friendly manner, not being a diva in the studio will all help you develop a great name in the voice over and advertising industries.
Contact: info@thevoicerealm.com or visit the Contact page for help casting the perfect voice talent.

BillEnglish (North American)
Adult (30-50) | Older Sound (50+) View Info Audition LOG IN FOR MORE OPTIONS
CliffEnglish (North American)
Yng Adult (18-29) | Adult (30-50) View Info Audition LOG IN FOR MORE OPTIONS

Jean-SebastienFrench (Canadian)
Yng Adult (18-29) | Adult (30-50) View Info Audition LOG IN FOR MORE OPTIONSLook for voice talent with the FAST VOICE CASTING icon if you need your recording back in 4 hours or less.
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