Professional Voice Overs
Professional voice overs can help with a positive impact on your companies imaging. Bringing a fresh sound to your radio and TV commercials, as well as on hold messages, YouTube videos, internet explanation and how to videos, animated video games, professional voicemail greetings, business corporate, industrial presentations and multimedia recordings.
Most professional voice talent use their own studio at no extra cost to you, saving hundreds of dollars in expensive studio fees.
A professional voice actor makes a script sound natural and will set your business radio or TV commercial apart from your competitors.
There are countless reasons why you should use an experienced voice over actor. They will bring new clients to your business and help increase sales. Professional voice talent are easier to listen to and create a perception of style, class and authority.
Find out why international brands use voice over talent as a crucial part of huge advertising campaigns. You can audition professional voice over for free. Simply register for a free account then select 'AUDITION THIS VOICE' on your chosen voice talent's profile.
Here at The Voice Realm you can hire professional voice over talent at the best rates online. Give the voice talent feedback to get your recording just the way you want it.
Contact: or visit the Contact page for help casting the perfect voice talent.

DustinEnglish (North American)
English (Neutral - Mid Trans Atlantic)
Yng Adult (18-29) | Adult (30-50)

CeliaEnglish (North American)
Adult (30-50) | Older Sound (50+) View Info Audition LOG IN FOR MORE OPTIONS
CollinEnglish (North American)
Yng Adult (18-29) | Adult (30-50) View Info Audition LOG IN FOR MORE OPTIONS
YolimaSpanish (Latin American)
Yng Adult (18-29) | Adult (30-50) View Info Audition LOG IN FOR MORE OPTIONSLook for voice talent with the FAST VOICE CASTING icon if you need your recording back in 4 hours or less.
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All The Voice Realm talent have been hand picked as the best in the business.
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Try QUICKcast. Rates from just $55. The easiest, quickest and most affordable way to have your script read by a pro!
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