IVR Voice Over Talent
Guide your customers through your Interactive Voice Response (IVR) phone system with a professional voice over talent sourced right here at The Voice Realm.
Increasingly more and more companies are implementing IVR systems to save costs. Computer systems can help customers and clients with answers without having to speak to a human customer service representative.
Rather than oursource your phone messging system to a foreign country and lose your customers trust, use a native speaking voice in your own language with an IVR voice over talent from The Voice Realm.
Our voice over rates are the best online and you can have your recordings back in less than 24 hours. Our stable of voice talent are permanent so if you ever need to change scripts in the future, they will always be here.
Audition a male of female voice talent for your IVR phone system right now for FREE.
Register for an account and follow the links. Customer support is also just a phone call or email away.

RBEnglish (North American)
Adult (30-50) | Older Sound (50+) View Info Audition LOG IN FOR MORE OPTIONS
GregoryEnglish (North American)
Adult (30-50) | Older Sound (50+) View Info Audition LOG IN FOR MORE OPTIONS

DavidSpanish - Spain (Castilian)
Yng Adult (18-29) | Adult (30-50) View Info Audition LOG IN FOR MORE OPTIONSLook for voice talent with the FAST VOICE CASTING icon if you need your recording back in 4 hours or less.
Choose the exact actor you want and get the ball rolling!
All The Voice Realm talent have been hand picked as the best in the business.
Want to save money?
Try QUICKcast. Rates from just $55. The easiest, quickest and most affordable way to have your script read by a pro!
You will have your recorded script back within a few hours.
Our worldwide support staff watch over your job to ensure everything goes smoothly.