Things a Voice Over Beginner Can Do NOW to Get Started

Go Shopping
You can’t start anything without any basic tool or equipment. Your start-up tools don’t need to be fancy, as long as you have a laptop or PC, a microphone and a recording software. There are affordable voice over microphones that starts at $40.00. Yes, your laptop or PC may already have a recording application, but it is best to use one that can help you have a better quality audio. You can start with Audacity which is an open source sound editor. You can then slowly work your way up through better quality microphones and feature packed paid for software as you grow more adept with your voice over work. If you have some extra money to spend, you can check out audio stores for pop filter, screen, portable studio, sound filters, etc.
Vocal Exercises
Start preparing your voice to the rigor of voice over work. Start planning a daily routine to do vocal and breathing exercises. Do reading exercises to improve your articulation and inflection. Practice reading out long and difficult to pronounce words; read out loud books and newspapers; do tongue twisters. Do this daily to both build and strengthen your vocal cords, and also strengthen your language skills.
Observe and Mimic
Listen to other voice overs. Observe how other voice overs perform on the television, radio, movies, video games and even on the voice messaging systems. Take note of the different styles and range of voices. You may record the ones that are really good and try to mimic them. This will help train you in the different approaches in voice over work. It can also help you determine the style and range that sits well with your voice.
Listen to Your Voice
After observing, recording and mimicking other voice overs, record your own voice and listen to the playback. The best way to improve is knowing what are your strengths and opportunities. Be honest with yourself – work to fix the things you are having trouble with. Critique yourself as this is essential to learning from mistakes and gaining a better perspective on your voice over skills.
Search for Resources
Create your own knowledge base by going online. Search for training and workshops near your area, or classes held online. Look for voice over news sites or communities, and join or sign up. Check out voice over casting sites that only hire professional voice overs like The Voice Realm and listen to the different demos of their talent roster. Look for established voice over actors and study their web site for content and demo. It is important that you only listen and read from established voice actors and voice over sites to pick up only good practices and habits.
Get news feed on anything about the industry to keep you up to date. Search for articles, news and recent books about the industry for additional information and guidance.
Take Care of Your Voice
When you decided that you want to be a voice over actor, you have also decided that you would truly take care of your voice. If you have any habits that may possibly compromise the quality of your voice, you would need to do away with them – no more smoking, no excessive drinking, no unhealthy eating habits, no unnecessary shouting. And you need to gain new habits that will help strengthen your mind, body and voice – drink more water, exercise, get plenty of sleep.