Go Shopping You can’t start anything without any basic tool or equipment. Your start-up tools don’t need to be fancy, as long as you have a laptop or PC, a microphone and a recording software. There are affordable voice over microphones that starts at $40.00. Yes, your laptop or PC may already have a recording…
Continue reading Things a Voice Over Beginner Can Do NOW to Get Started
5 Essential Knowledge and Skills You Need To Become a Voice Over
Even if you are blessed with a voice made for radio; you have the strong pipes to record for hours; you have the innate talent of being storyteller or to do character voices, it is not enough for you to build a successful voice over career.You need to be equipped with other skills and knowledge…
Continue reading 5 Essential Knowledge and Skills You Need To Become a Voice OverWhat is Voice Over?
Voice over is a term used to refer to a production technique wherein a voice that is not part of the narrative is used in radio, film, television, theatre, or presentation. It is also known as off-stage or off-camera commentary. Nowadays, voice over can also refer to any number of device where voice is used…
Continue reading What is Voice Over?The Different Voiceover Demo Types
It is best to work on a type of demo that suits your voice and showcase your best skills. Knowing the different types will help you make an informed decision on what to record and market. There are two main types of demos: Commercial and Narration. Commercial Though commercial work only makes approximately only 10%…
Continue reading The Different Voiceover Demo TypesHow to Put Together Your Demo Reel Content
Previously we discussed why putting a well-made demo is crucial to your marketing as a professional voiceover talent, and as your marketing tool, your demo reel should be able to show your abilities and skills to prospective clients, agencies, casting directors and producers. As they say, “You never get a second chance to make a…
Continue reading How to Put Together Your Demo Reel ContentPlanning for Your First Demo
If your VOICE is your commodity, then your DEMO is your most essential marketing tool. A quality demo separates the professional actor from the untrained enthusiast trying to make it into the industry. Being new to the industry is not an excuse to distribute to agencies, casting directors or producers a poorly made demo. Like…
Continue reading Planning for Your First DemoAre You Ready for Your First Demo?
The very first moment a stranger sees you, he or she starts to formulate different impressions of who you are: Are you the guy-next door type or someone to be avoided? Are you a friend or a foe? Are you to be trusted or a person of authority? Are you competent, likeable, and/or confident? These…
Continue reading Are You Ready for Your First Demo?Getting Started in Voiceover
With the increased popularity of animation, video games and other voiceover related projects, we see more and more enthusiasts wanting to cross over from being mere fans to becoming a certified voiceover professional. But it takes more than having a little knowledge about the industry, or a little know-how in using microphones or recording software,…
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