The Long Term Impact On Ad Appeal

The study can be described as a brain scan.  This was done with 200 people as subjects watching TV advertisements.  It’s an example of neuromarketing to see how respondents’ brains engage in long-term memory encoding while watching these ads.  Neuro-Insight, a neuro-marketing company composed of world leaders in neuroscience-based market research conducted the study and were able to establish themes that made for effective TV ads because they made a longer impression on their audiences.  

Based on the data collected and as seen on the graph, the scientific, fact-based, informational approach made the least impression on audiences.  The use of real people and real live stories and keeping the focus on human emotion and humor is seen to be effective.  Ads that tell a story and that touch on our emotions are a good way to focus ads on which would explain why a lot of the voice over direction ask for keeping the tone natural and light, fun and bright.  Ads don’t drive for the hard sell anymore as audiences show to file that in their short term memory and once gone, it’s gone from their heads for good.  Ads want to be something people can relate with so they remember their thoughts and the way the ad made them felt while watching it and will be more inclined towards your product or your brand.  Advertising agencies would then be looking for voice actors who can deliver such.

Voice over coaching does cover how to sound natural during reads with the different voice over forms such as retail and promo, announcer reads, and character because as we all know, even if a voice talent were reading for a character altering their voice, they still had to sound natural reading their lines so audiences can relate to them.

How long did it take you before you got to sounding natural and relaxed in your voice over reads?


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