New Year, New Career! Start Your Own Podcast This 2020
Podcasts are becoming very popular nowadays.Seems like the old school way of being entertained is making a comeback! Before the Internet, and before the...
Podcasts are becoming very popular nowadays.Seems like the old school way of being entertained is making a comeback! Before the Internet, and before the...
Some voice over talents grow their smoothly, while others remain stuck and never make a break. Do you wonder why? In every journey there...
Voice over, without a doubt, is making rounds on the acting realm nowadays. An actor can’t deny that albeit challenging, it’s one of the most rewarding careers available today in the acting market, taking into consideration the flexibility of work hours and workplace, and the multifarious array of clients.
The Voice Realm voice talent Marc, gives some word’s of encouragement. You auditioned. You felt confident. You waited. You didn’t get the job. What do you do...