Myths About Dating a Voice Actor
Valentine’s Day is approaching, so let’s have a little fun with this holiday. I wanted to talk about dating as a voice talent. If...
Valentine’s Day is approaching, so let’s have a little fun with this holiday. I wanted to talk about dating as a voice talent. If...
Some people feel they can never be voice actors because they lack the talent for it. There has been plenty of debate about talent...
We have been discussing how talents can deal with clients. Clients like talents, are very much valued in any type of business. Since The...
Because everyone else seems to breathe on social media, we all fall prey to the temptations of sharing our good news, and voice actors are one of the entrepreneurs who enjoy the free powerful tool for self-promotion. After all, what’s the point of social media if we can’t post about the great things going on in our voice acting career?
Voice-over. Voiceover. Voice talent. Voice artist. Voice actor. As someone who performs voice-overs, you have surely encountered all of these terms and once got confused whether or not there is a functional or industry distinction amongst them and if it matters.
By and large, the cast for Finding Dory are carried over from Finding Nemo, except for two characters whose age and physiological change to...
What is an agent and why do you need one? In the 60’s and 70’s, no one will hire a voice actor who didn’t...
Professional singers are often times advised to protect their most prized instrument, their voice. Stars like Mariah Carey have been known to get adequate...