Get to Know the Men and Women Behind our Voice Actors : Melissa Chambers
Australian voice over artist Melissa Chambers is one of her countries most successful online voice talents. We caught up with her to find out how she does it.
What got you started a career in the voiceover industry?
I started as a book narrator in Australia and doing commercial radio spots. I started out in the theatre and knew a lot of older actors who did voiceovers, so I threw myself in to getting the work. It took a lot of persistence but I got there.
Do you have a voiceover actor you look up to?
I grew up watching all the Disney animated movies and Pixar films. Now that I regularly voice an animated character myself, I’ve realized how much skill this takes. Sustaining a character is really tough.
Do you have a particular type of voice work you love doing?
I’m a classically trained actor so anything that tells a story I guess. This can be anything, from a book to a character, to relaying the mission of a new company.

Australian Female Voice Over Artist Melissa Chambers
What is your most memorable project so far?
Being a cast member of ‘The Crumpets’ (standby, it’ll be released later this year)
What’s your typical day like as a voiceover artist?
I check in with job posts and audition requests, put down auditions in my studio and spend some time editing and finishing whatever’s on the schedule. I also communicate every day with existing and new clients. I do a handful of regular studio gigs so some days I head off into Manhattan for that.
What do you recommend? Setting up a home studio or using a commercial recording facility?
There are benefits to both. Really top technology isn’t expensive so with a great mic and fast computer a home studio is a great way to go. Sound proofing a space is the key though, but not every building is suited to this. Commercial facilities are great but you’re less autonomous that way. You’ll generally need an engineer working with you at all times. The way my day is structured in terms of response time to audition requests makes a home studio kind of a necessity.
How’s your experience so far with The Voice Realm?
Terrific! Really lovely clients and interesting work.
Can you recommend resources or training a serious voice actor needs to read/take to help them improve in their field?
Talk to people. Find out who around you is succeeding at this and ask them all about it. I think you get further with this by apprenticing yourself to someone who’s done it for a while. Also, just try and start getting jobs. Shell out some money to record a great demo and go at it. You learn this mostly by doing it. And also, people in this business are awesome. They know how much perseverance it takes to get the work, and they’ll admire you for starting out on your journey. Remember that you’re starting a small business too. If you’re going to read up on anything read about good business sense and marketing.
What is your final advice to aspiring voice over artists?
Stick with it! This may take you some years to have a steady stream of work. It’s like that for everyone. Then someday, someone will ask you how you got into this, and you won’t remember how you got so good. It becomes second nature. Good luck!
Book Melissa on your next project. Visit her profile at