Myths About Dating a Voice Actor
Valentine’s Day is approaching, so let’s have a little fun with this holiday. I wanted to talk about dating as a voice talent. If you ever wanted to date a voice actor, or you wondered how a voice actor’s love life is, then I’m here to help. Okay, I’m not monolithic, but I did want to talk about some myths I’ve heard as a voice actor about dating and offer my perspective.
Myth 1: Voice Actors Are Smooth Talkers
Some people think that if a voice actor can play a character well, then they are Mr./Ms. Smooth when it comes to dating. They always have a clever pickup line handy, and a date with them is always interesting.

I have no doubt there are actors like that, but also, some talents are as quiet as mice when the microphone is away, and they aren’t getting paid. I’ve met some actors who play powerful, commanding characters, and they’re so soft and awkward in real life.
Some voice talents also know to use their voices sparingly. You don’t want to wear down your voice, especially if your character is hard on your throat. You may only bring it out on special occasions, or you may only do so if there’s money involved.
Also, it depends on what you do. If you voice smooth-talking characters or narrate sexy audiobooks, I can see that affecting your ability to date someone. But let’s say you voice-act in a children’s show. That’s not sexy at all.
It also depends on how much the person you’re dating cares about you being able to put on a voice. You have some people who fall head over heels with a voice actor. You’ve probably seen those people at conventions and whatnot. But some just don’t care. To some, being a voiceover artist is like working in construction.
And as for whether or not we like to use our voices in the bed? I don’t kiss and tell.
Myth 2: You Can Spend Much More Time With a Voice Actor Than You Can With a 9-to-5er
Here’s another myth that has nuance. Some folks believe that voice actors don’t work as much as a person working a “real job,” and thus, they have more time to spend with them.
There are certainly days when you’ll be able to go watch a movie with me or sit on the couch and eat some ice cream with yours truly. But there are days when I’m swamped. I’m going to lock myself in my studio, and you better not talk to me unless the house is on fire. These days, you need to be patient. I’m sorry I can’t get into shenanigans with you, but I have some gigs to finish so that I can pay for those shenanigans.
Also, it depends on whether acting is their full-time job or a side hustle. If it’s the latter, you may only see your partner on a Tuesday when there is a full moon.
That being said, the idea that voice actors have no or inconsistent work-life balance can be a myth itself. Some of us have boundaries and a set schedule. We have days where we take off, be it on the weekends or on Mondays.
Myth 3: It’s Like Dating a Celebrity
Some folks act like dating a voice actor is like dating a celebrity. But they’re called voice actors for a reason. There are many voice actors who appear in popular works, but since they are voices, few people will recognize the actor in public. Unless someone is a voice actor enthusiast and does their research, they may only recognize the voice, and that’s only if the speaking voice is similar to the character, you know?
Not to mention, many voice actors have obscure gigs that won’t get them much public recognition. An actor may play a side character in an anime dub, appear in a radio ad that’s only listened to by a trucker, or narrate an indie audiobook that few people are going to buy.
Personally, I wouldn’t want to be a celebrity, anyway. I’ve seen the paparazzi chase down celebrities. I want to enjoy a latte in peace without needing to wear sunglasses as big as my head.
Myth 4: We’re Rich
Going off the last one, some people hear “Actor” and assume we’re making millions, then get disappointed when we live in an apartment just like any other person nowadays. I don’t want to act like there aren’t well-paying gigs, but voice acting is a career where things can be inconsistent. Working for peanuts one week, making the entire peanut factory the next. You’re not exactly going to be a voice actor’s sugar baby, you know? Unless you’re dating someone prominent in the industry. But even then, there can be dry spells.
Myth 5: Voice Actors Like to Date Their Fans
While most in public won’t recognize you, there are instances where you’ll have fans gushing all over you. For example, you dub a character in an anime that has tons of fans. In this case, you may see fans gushing when they meet you. This begs the question, do voice actors date their fans?

I’d never do it myself, and there are fellow voice talents who feel the same. It was much more of a common thing back in the day, but it’s now frowned upon. There’s a bit of a power dynamic there, you know? Not to mention, some fans have a hard time separating the character from the performer. I’d rather date someone who doesn’t recognize me, thank you.
So, these are some myths about dating that I wanted to dispel. It does depend on actor to actor, so if you want to date, or you want to date as an actor, keep that in mind. That being said, what are your plans for Valentine’s Day, if any? Or are you one of those people who detest the holiday? Let me know!