Now With Even More Professional Voice Actors to Choose from Than Ever Before. NEVER ANY HIDDEN FEES!
The easiest & most affordable way

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your audio recordings!
is the newest way to source a PROFESSIONAL VOICE TALENT at an amazing rate.
- Have the same voice actors that are heard on national radio and TV commercials record for you.
- Our QUICKcast technology has cut out expensive agents.
- Work directly with the voice actor.
A Sample of our Actorsyou'll be able to choose from
QUICKcast jobs must not be used for any broadcast purpose,either on radio or television. Direction of talent must take place through The Voice Realm website. There is a limit of one re-record after the first recording to give the voice talent more direction. Errors made by the voice talent do not count towards the one extra re-record.
The client should include pronunciation of any words in the script which may be foreign to the voice talent. Phone numbers should be spelt out as words.